a) To Identify the locations of flooding and causes of flooding.
b) To Conduct field survey to map the entire drainage network of the airport and
nearby areas upstream and downstream, as needed for effective disposal of water Airport.
c) Assess the carrying capacity of all related drains/nallahs to decide on the bottlenecks
that create waterlogging, for planning of restructuring requirements.
d) Collect data on effluents from industries and institutions upstream, and assess its
impact on vegetation overgrowth within the airport.
e) Decide the frequency of design flood/ discharge. Redesign the drainage network
inside the airport and in nearby areas based on recalculated design flood, so that chances
of future waterlogging are averted (as per prevailing standards).
f) Develop several alternative solutions to eliminate waterlogging from airport.
g) Develop suitable plans for treatment of effluents/ diversion of effluents to stop the
menace of vegetation overgrowth within the airport boundary permanently.
h) Carry out soil investigation for estimation of engineering properties as required for design of structures.